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Couverture de In the Shadow of the Raven

In the Shadow of the Raven

De : Dan Padavona
Lu par : Connie Shabshab
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    In the shadowy corners of Wolf Lake, a small town filled with secrets, a series of chilling murders paralyze the community. Women who live alone are found dead, each with an ominous calling card beside their bodies—a dead crow.

    Sheriff Thomas Shepherd zeroes in on a suspect, while Raven Hopkins, a private investigator with an instinct for truth, becomes entangled in the investigation. She's the only person who believes in the suspect's innocence, putting her at odds with Thomas and the sheriff's department.

    As Thomas delves deeper into the case, the murders continue, each one more horrifying than the last. Time is running out, and the killer seems to be one step ahead.

    Can Thomas catch the killer before another life is lost?

    Or will Raven's belief in a murderer’s innocence lead her down a path from which there's no return?

    From bestselling Amazon author Dan Padavona, "In the Shadow of the Raven" is a heart-pounding serial killer thriller and mystery. Perfect for fans of Jo Nesbø, Gillian Flynn, and Michael Connelly, this novel will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final tick.

    ©2023 Dan Padavona (P)2024 Dan Padavona

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