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Couverture de In the Company of Cows

In the Company of Cows

De : Sequoyah Branham
Lu par : Sequoyah Branham
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    No one listens to Nora Kelly, except her cows. Thanks to a lengthy drought, she is in danger of losing them, her livelihood, her job, and the one place she feels that she can truly be herself the ranch.

    The heifers never belittle or run her over when she tries to speak. They don't mind that she fumbles over her words in fact, they are the only creatures who have ever just listened to her.

    Unfortunately, no rain means no grass, and no grass means no cows. Nora's one hope is that her boss will find a new piece of land to lease, but they only have six weeks to secure a place and relocate. Determined to stay with the heifers, Nora scrounges up every ounce of bravery she has and goes to the only person who could possibly help: her intimidatingly successful uncle that she barely knows. He's a ranch real estate agent with connections, who doesn't have time for an awkward niece.

    Just when a lease finally fits all of her boss' specifications, Nora discovers the land is already leased to her uncle, who might just be more family than she's ever experienced. What if her boss taking this lease breaks the budding bond between Nora and her uncle? But is she really willing to lose the only place she feels safe?

    In the end, Nora must decide what staying in the company of cows is worth.

    ©2023 Sequoyah Branham (P)2024 Sequoyah Branham

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