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Couverture de In a Jam

In a Jam

De : Megan Sparks
Lu par : Jessica Martin
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Megan Sparks’ Roller Girls YA series stars Annie, a London teenager who takes up roller derby after moving to small-town Illinois. In this third installment, performed with spark by Jessica Martin, Annie has to balance her boyfriend with her new passion.

    In a Jam finds Annie with a new boyfriend, Tyler, but still dealing with her school’s mean girls. Swept up in the throes of new love, Annie is shocked to discover that her place on the Liberty Belles, her roller derby team, has been jeopardized.

    Martin stays true to this series’ trans-Atlantic storyline by performing the story’s narration in a British accent while switching to a Midwestern American accent for dialogue.


    Annie and Tyler are going out! OK, he can be a bit controlling sometimes, but Annie's never had a boyfriend before so she assumes that's what they're like. Her roller derby team, the Liberty Belles, are in top position in the league - but are they getting over-confident? Annie misses a few practice sessions so she can spend time with Tyler. As punishment, she gets left on the bench at a big bout. The whole team needs to refocus - especially Annie.

    ©2013 Megan Sparks (P)2013 AudibleLtd

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