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Couverture de In Service of the Republic

In Service of the Republic

De : Vijay Kelkar, Ajay Shah
Lu par : Bhuvana Anand
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    As a $3-trillion economy, India is on her way to becoming an economic superpower. Between 1991 and 2011, the period of our best growth, there was also a substantial decline in the number of people below the poverty line.

    Since 2011, however, there has been a marked retreat in the high growth performance of the previous two decades.

    What happened to the promise? Where have we faltered? How do we change course? How do we overcome the ever-present dangers of the middle-income trap, and get rich before we grow old? And one question above all else: What do we need to do to make our tryst with destiny?

    As professional economists as well as former civil servants, Vijay Kelkar and Ajay Shah have spent most of their lives thinking about and working on these questions. The result: In Service of the Republic, a meticulously researched work that stands at the intersection of economics, political philosophy and public administration. This easily digestible book lays out the art and the science of the policymaking that we need, from the high ideas to the gritty practicalities that go into building the Republic.

    ©2019 Vijay Kelkar and Ajay Shah (P)2024 Random House Audio

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