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  • In Search of the Romanovs

  • A Family’s Quest to Solve One of History’s Most Brutal Crimes
  • De : Peter Sarandinaki
  • Lu par : Rich Miller
  • Durée : 9 h et 59 min

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Couverture de In Search of the Romanovs

In Search of the Romanovs

De : Peter Sarandinaki
Lu par : Rich Miller
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    In 1918 a famed general of the Russian White Army battled through the Red Army to save Emperor Nicholas II-but he arrived too late. The Romanovs had already been murdered.

    In this thrilling true-life detective story, we follow Anna, the general's courageous young daughter, who fled across the continent and boarded a ship with her husband to escape the bloodshed. Beneath her bunk was a box, and in this box lay grisly evidence of what had become of Russia's royal family, the Romanovs. Generations later, Anna's grandson Peter Sarandinaki set out to finish his great-grandfather's mission to find the Romanovs' remains, enlisting searchers and scientists to finally piece together the answers to some of history's most perplexing questions: What really happened to Tsar Nicholas, Empress Alexandra, and their children? And what about the tsar's brother, Mikhail, who simply disappeared?

    A riveting and deeply personal story, In Search of the Romanovs reveals hidden truths in the legends about the murder and disappearance of Russia's most famous royal family.

    ©2024 Peter Sarandinaki (P)2024 Tantor

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