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Couverture de In Search of Emma

In Search of Emma

De : Armando Lucas Correa
Lu par : Timothy Andrés Pabon
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    Revised and updated with a new introduction by the author - and available in English for the first time - the moving story of a man who always wanted to be a father and the long emotional road to making his dream come true.

    Born in Cuba and raised in the USA, Armando Lucas Correa epitomized the American dream. He had everything he wanted: an incredible job as the editor of People magazine, meeting and interviewing glamorous celebrities; a steady partner; and a comfortable life filled with travel. But with the new millennium, he realized something vital was missing. A child.

    In the years before gay marriage was widespread and legal across the nation, the road to parenthood was difficult for gay couples. Though his family would not be traditional, Correa was undaunted. Every setback, each emotional challenge was fuel that drove him to fulfill his dream. Exhaustively researching the possibilities, Correa eventually chose surrogacy - a long, arduous, and expensive method involving seemingly endless tests, paperwork, and difficult decisions. But with the help of science, a lot of patience, an egg donor, a gestational mother, and the unconditional support of her partner and family, Correa’s dream finally came true with the birth of his beloved daughter, Emma.

    In Search of Emma is an inspiring and beautiful story of love, family, and fatherhood that reminds us of that, despite the odds, we must never stop fighting to achieve our dreams. Completely revised and updated to reflect his growing family.

    ©2021 Armando Lucas Correa (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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