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  • In My Grandfather’s Shadow

  • A Story of War, Trauma and the Legacy of Silence
  • De : Angela Findlay
  • Lu par : Angela Findlay
  • Durée : 12 h et 36 min

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In My Grandfather’s Shadow

De : Angela Findlay
Lu par : Angela Findlay
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    In 1987, Angela Findlay walked into a prison and instantly but inexplicably felt at home. For years she had wrestled with a sense of 'badness' within her. But working with prisoners was just the beginning of her search for answers that took her to Nazi Germany and the life of her dead grandfather, who, it emerged, was a decorated general on the Eastern front. In a rare confluence of memoir, psychology and historical detective story, this is Findlay's account of her unflinching quest for the truth about her German family, one that breaks through the silence surrounding many of the Second World War's perpetrators.

    In My Grandfather's Shadow explores the heritability of unresolved experiences, questions deeply held perceptions of good and bad, and uncovers the lesser-known history of the war's losers, a post-war culture of apology and atonement, and the lingering legacy of shame. Using her own family story to explore an episode in history that continues to appal and fascinate, Findlay reveals that it is possible not only for the scars of trauma to be handed down through generations but also for them to be healed.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Angela Findlay (P)2022 Penguin Audio

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