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  • In Case I'm Murdered

  • What You Should Know About Stalking, Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse, & How to Stay Safe
  • De : April Hardy
  • Lu par : Tracey Hugo
  • Durée : 5 h et 49 min

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In Case I'm Murdered

De : April Hardy
Lu par : Tracey Hugo
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    I know that you’re the kind of woman who wants to be able to live life on your own terms, but in order to do that, you need to know how to keep yourself and your space safe. The problem is that right now, your safety depends on what the guys around you want, not what you want. It makes you feel vulnerable, sometimes even scared. 

    I believe that your safety should be your choice, not anyone else's. I know the statistics. I've survived many of them. The threats to your safety are real. That’s why I wrote this book - so that you can get educated, become confident in your ability to protect yourself, and take back the control over your personal safety that should have always been yours! 

    In this book, I will talk you through:  

    • How to Recognize Danger  
    • How to Know If Someone Is Gaslighting You 
    • What to Do If You Believe You Are Being Stalked   
    • The Right Way to Reject Someone   
    • How Technology Can Be Used to Track and Monitor You  
    • How to Know He's Dangerous Before You Get Involved  
    • How to Know If You’re in an Abusive Relationship 
    • Tactics Abusers Use to Get Back Together  
    • Why He Wants to Kill You  
    • 24 Signs That Your Life Is in Danger   
    • Why Women Stay in Abusive Relationships  
    • How to Leave An Abuser as Safely as Possible  
    • Who Are the Most Common Sexual Predators  
    • How to Prepare Your Mind for Self-Defense    
    • The Most Common Suggestion for Home Security 
    • And more...
    ©2019 April Hardy (P)2021 April Hardy

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