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Couverture de Ministry of Mischief

Ministry of Mischief

De : Alex Foulkes
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    Step into a land where being bad is one BIG adventure. A hilarious journey filled with naughty magical creatures and unexpected friendships from Alex Foulkes, the bestselling author of Rules for Vampires, illustrated by Nikolas Ilic. Perfect for Halloween!

    Joey and Harry do NOT like each other. Stuck together on a school trip to a museum, things couldn’t get any worse, until they meet some incorrigible monsters! The monsters are on a field trip of their own, bringing BAD LUCK to the human world. Quickly, they decide to take the children back to where they’ve come from and feed them to their king. But what exactly lies ahead for Joey and Harry at the Ministry of Mischief? Will they make it back home in time for tea? Or will they be stuck with these misbehaving monsters forever?

    ©2024 Alex Foulkes (P)2024 Simon & Schuster
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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