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  • Imperial Entanglements: A Humorous Isekai LitRPG

  • Terminate the Other World!, Book 3
  • De : Icalos
  • Lu par : Savy Des-Etages
  • Durée : 14 h et 1 min

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Imperial Entanglements: A Humorous Isekai LitRPG

De : Icalos
Lu par : Savy Des-Etages
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    A lethal killing machine gets in touch with her feelings as this action-packed progression fantasy continues.

    The cyborg known as NSLICE-00P—Non-Standard Leashed-Intelligence Cybernetic Enforcer—was created to be an unstoppable weapons platform that could take out even the strongest of heroes. But when she was cast out of her own reality, she found herself without orders or a controller—but with a new lease on life.

    Joined by her loyal compatriots—and a beyond-loyal corps of cyborg-enhanced critters—NSLICE-00P is taking an active role in shaping her altered circumstances. Part of which means gathering allies for the Empire, which has been getting overwhelmed by new dungeons, leading to more monsters than anyone can handle. So it's lucky for everyone that, in addition to her formidable physical armory, NSLICE-00P now has a growing magical arsenal at her disposal. And she's going to need every weapon she can get her hands on.

    Because someone very high up in the Imperial power structure is making a bid for dominion. And a key component to his nefarious plan involves the use—and betrayal—of a certain high-powered cyborg . . .

    The third volume of the hit LitRPG fantasy series—with more than two million views on Royal Road—now available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and Audible!

    ©2024 Andrew Ellison (P)2024 Podium Audio

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