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Couverture de Impact Culture

Impact Culture

De : Mark S. Reed
Lu par : Mark Reed
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    Do you feel demoralized and demotivated by an increasingly managerial, metricized academy?

    In this audiobook, you will discover how you can transform your working environment and create a culture you can belong in. Whether you seek ideas that will change the world or you just want to reclaim a place in which you can think deeply, this audiobook invites you to overcome what is preventing you from doing the best work of your career. 

    At the very least, you will see how it is possible to create a protective bubble in a toxic culture. But at best, unexpected new ways of working will emerge and spread from person to person and group to group. This is the way innovations spread, minds change, and new cultures are born: diverse, authentic, and values-driven cultures that inspire the creative thought the world needs so badly right now. 

    You don't need to wait for that to happen. Whatever your position, from PhD student to professor, you can make a difference. Change can start now, with you. With us. 

    Mark Reed is an expert in research impact with 200 publications that have been cited 25,000 times. He is a professor and center director at Scotland's Rural College, and a visiting professor at Newcastle University, University of Leeds, and Birmingham City University. 

    ©2022 Fast Track Impact (P)2022 Fast Track Impact

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