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Couverture de Immortal North Two

Immortal North Two

De : Tom Stewart
Lu par : Stephen L Vernon
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    The “achingly beautiful” story of Immortal North concludes in this stunning sequel, an unflinching meditation on the triumph of human resolve.

    He’s known as the trapper, and his family has a long history in these remote woods. Now it’s just him and the boy, and he’ll raise him in the world he knows, the forest, where threats take recognizable forms: harsh weather, peak predators, and the intrusion of civilization at odds with their lifestyle. But for those lands and minds with an unsettled past, other dangers may lurk the woods where father and son hunt the timber.

    One fateful day, their woodland life is violently broken—shouldn’t those guilty of such injustice be held to account? The aftermath of the first novel becomes too volatile to be contained by the woods, and the town hears of a murder and an abduction—that list of crimes is not getting any shorter. An atmospheric tale both haunting and heartening. A northern tragedy dark enough that even the patch of sky above their old family cabin seems to have lost its stars, but hope and courage have this luminous sequel shining with radiant light.

    ©2023 Tom Stewart (P)2023 Tom Stewart

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