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Couverture de Imagine Summer

Imagine Summer

De : Shelley Noble
Lu par : Marni Penning
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    The New York Times best-selling author of Whisper Beach delights with her latest beach-worthy tale about two estranged sisters who must decide to face the past or risk history repeating itself.

    As a child, Skylar Mackenzie’s imagination always got her in trouble. Now it’s making her a fortune. She owns Imagine That, a toy and bookstore and creativity center in a small Rhode Island beach town where children, and adults, can use their imagination free from judgment.

    Skye is about to embark on her biggest venture yet, a weekend retreat of family exploration. But it begins to unravel when she finds her estranged half sister, Amy, on the doorstep. And Amy’s not alone.

    She’s brought Skye’s first love, Connor Reid - the boy who broke her heart; the man who could break it again.

    Amy claims she wants to make amends - but how can Skye trust her? It was Amy’s lies that drove her from home 15 years before. Suddenly, Skye’s perfectly imagined summer is in jeopardy. Not to mention her perfectly ordered life. Or her beloved town’s financial future.

    With Amy back to her old troublemaking ways, and Connor making Skye wonder what might have been, Skye makes a decision that may cost her everything.

    Imagine Summer is a story of discovery, trust, and the courage to dream.

    ©2021 Shelley Noble (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers

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