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Imagine It!

De : Laurie David, Heather Reisman
Lu par : Heather Reisman, Laurie David, Lennox Yearwood
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    The most accessible and actionable handbook for those looking for concrete steps to begin living more sustainably, from climate activists Laurie David and Heather Reisman

    “An excellent how-to guide [and] a great read for everyone from the socially conscious family to the most ardent climate activist.” (Former Vice President Al Gore)

    Imagine It! is a handbook for those who want to begin or advance a journey toward living in better balance with our planet. It inspires, supports, and offers easy ways to replace old, planet-hurting habits with new healthy ones.

    In Imagine It!, the documentary filmmakers behind Writing on the Wall, Fed Up, The Biggest Little Farm, The Social Dilemma, and the Academy Award-winning An Inconvenient Truth highlight the need to change some of our food, clothing, and transportation habits and meaningfully lower our use of plastic, paper, water, and harmful chemicals. They call the changes in these areas lifestyle shifts, and there is a chapter devoted to each one of them in the book. Each begins with a short story on the shift being explored, and then provides clear steps for replacing old habits with new ones to create lasting change. 

    Laurie David and Heather Reisman are no strangers to exposing hard truths and helping audiences understand their part in bringing about change. They know a cleaner, healthier world is ours for the taking - and to start, we just have to Imagine It!

    * This audiobook includes a downloaable PDF including Appendices of Draft Advocacy Letter; Glossary; Young Activists to Follow on Social Media; Environmental Groups; Websites Worth Visiting; Recommended TV, Films, and Documentaries; Recommended Books; and Some of Our Favorite Products.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. 

    ©2021 Laurie David and Heather Reisman (P)2021 Random House Audio

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