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I'm Inside, Y'Know: Traumatic Brain Injury and You

De : Tarno Greene
Lu par : Karen Hazelwood
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Traumatic brain injury and me? Don’t be silly! Really?

You know someone who is coping with a devastating loss of brain control. Often it’s obvious, maybe unsettling, but in some people it doesn’t announce itself like physical challenges do. So? You do know someone. You’re left upset, helpless, unfamiliar, confused, and may even be suffering from survivor’s guilt. It affects accident and war victims who, until recently, would have died of physical trauma.

TBI survivors as well as Alzheimer’s, dementia, senility, and PTSD sufferers exhibit behavior that is overwhelming to people trying to help.

Take a blank notebook and write the bible that will help save your sanity.

Or get techie so that the constellation of people in your survivor’s life can access and make entries online.

Meet the protagonist, Delphine, her cronies from Central Casting, health professionals en masse, dogs galore, and The Slug Queen!

Hear about:

  • Confronting the “Bottomless Pit of Rage”
  • Humane Society and dog stories
  • The sit-down
  • New normal moments to celebrate

Know how to:

  • Earn trust by TBI rules and strive to trust your survivor
  • Figure out what you can do to help and feel good about yourself
  • Recognize and celebrate “new normals”
  • Get out of your own way so you too can hear “I’m inside, y’know”

Tell the world that TBI may be invisible to you, or not, but it’s there, and patience is the best response.

Then quote the Serenity Prayer: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference" (Reinhold Niebuhr).

It will introduce you to who’s left inside instead of what’s missing!

©2016 Tarno Greene (P)2021 Karen Hazelwood
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