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Couverture de I'm Highly Percent Sure

I'm Highly Percent Sure

De : Caroline A. Wanga
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    In this rich, intelligent, and witty memoir, the President and CEO of Essence Ventures—a woman with a defiant intuition who rejects cultural expectations and outside influence—tells how she charted her own destiny, offering inspiration and advice to help everyone on their own journey to becoming everything they were born to be.

    That confidence took her from interning at Target to becoming the company's Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer, and eventually to the top of Essence Ventures, where she has only magnified her reach. Oprah Winfrey once emotionally remarked that Wanga reminded her of the great Maya Angelou with the strength and clarity of her purpose and voice.

    But Wanga has faced challenges along the way, including losing her sense of identity and veering from living her purpose. Throughout the narrative, told in her raw, purposeful, yet humorous voice, she separates the person from the profession, to help us understand the sequence of all that transpired in her life and the lessons she discovered along the way.

    ©2025 Caroline A. Wanga (P)2025 HarperCollins Publishers

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