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  • I’m Going to be a Dad!

  • The Ultimate Pregnancy Handbook for First-Time Fathers
  • De : David Hall
  • Lu par : Gordon Webster
  • Durée : 4 h et 10 min

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I’m Going to be a Dad!

De : David Hall
Lu par : Gordon Webster
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    Your bundle of joy is on the way, yet you feel clueless!

    You want to be the best first-time dad ever, but you just don’t know where to start.

    Don’t worry!

    Being a dad doesn’t mean you have to be perfect.

    You will make mistakes, but with the right tools, you can become a caring, compassionate, and supportive partner during and after pregnancy.

    From sleepless nights and swollen feet to back ace and birth plans, I'm Going to Be a Dad! provides pregnancy advice and guidance to address and relieve all those stresses a first-time dad faces.

    Author David Hall, a once inexperienced daddy who’s been through pregnancy with his partner three times now, will guide you through the next nine months of milestones so you’re not just tagging along for the ride.

    In this absolute must have guide, you will learn:

    • What’s happening to the baby in each trimester.
    • What’s happening to mommy in each trimester.
    • What you shouldn't be doing in each trimester.
    • What you should do in each trimester.

    Find out what to expect. From the minute you realize you are going to become a dad to getting advice on how to support your partner’s ever-changing needs. What is required for the development of a healthy baby, the birth, and everything in between!

    I'm Going to Be a Dad! covers every aspect of pregnancy, with solid advice to get first-time dads fit and ready for any scenario!

    Go on, grab this guide now and prepare yourself for the best, most epic and satisfying job ever– being a dad!

    ©2022, 2023 David Hall (P)2023 David Hall

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