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Couverture de I'm Fine

I'm Fine

De : Susan Carter
Lu par : Susan Carter
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    As seniors we often get bogged down dealing with endless medical appointments (that often get cancelled), technology, and...being ignored!

    I had my 69th birthday in the middle of the pandemic. To celebrate (the birthday, not the pandemic), I put together 69 stories. These stories grew out of my ability to laugh at the annoying "senior" things in my life. I realize that I can't go back to the period before computers were invented, but I use my many years as a stand-up comedian to laugh through it all.

    Excerpt from I'm Fine: A Bathroom Book for Seniors by Susan Carter:

    "I asked the 'get out' guy who was hanging out with the other workers that were smoking and eating snacks if this was the anti-terrorism plan. They laughed and joked 'pretty much!' This year, the city of Edmonton reported that they had spent two point two million dollars on a terrorism plan. Unfortunately, the Bus Depot didn't get a photo copy of the plan. Perhaps some of the two point two million could have been spent on a bull horn to order passengers around, pay someone to check on the comfort of the passengers, or provide a couple of folding chairs for said passengers. Money could be spent to arrange with the Pub for shelter, or at least buy a tarp to protect us from the weather. When I finally got on the bus, the girl selling (she could have given them for our inconvenience) headphones for the movie was surprised to think that I might want a free drink. The really funny part was the movie—Clear and Present Danger! To end on a positive note; the bus driver that afternoon did apologize to us for the delay."

    ©2022 Susan Carter (P)2023 Susan Carter

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