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  • I'll Be Damned

  • How My Young and Restless Life Led Me to America's #1 Daytime Drama
  • De : Eric Braeden
  • Lu par : Eric Braeden
  • Durée : 7 h et 21 min

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I'll Be Damned

De : Eric Braeden
Lu par : Eric Braeden
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    In this startling candid and poignant memoir, the legendary Emmy Award-winning star of The Young and the Restless, America's number-one soap opera, chronicles his amazing life, from his birth in World War II Germany to his arrival in America to his rise to humanitarian and daytime superstar for the past 35 years.

    For nearly four decades, fans have welcomed the star of television's number-one daytime show, The Young and the Restless, into their living rooms. While they've come to know and love the suave Victor Newman, few truly know the man behind the character, the supremely talented Eric Braeden. I'll Be Damned is his story - a startling and uplifting true tale of war, deprivation, determination, fame, and social commitment that spans from Nazi Germany to modern Hollywood.

    Braeden's journey from a hospital basement in Kiel to the soundstages of Los Angeles has taught him more about joy, heartbreak, fear, dignity, loss, love, loneliness, exhilaration, courage, persecution, and profound responsibility to the global community than he could have hoped to learn in several lifetimes. Growing up in the years after Germany's defeat, Braeden knew very little about the atrocities of his parents' generation until he arrived in America as a teenager - a discovery that horrified and transformed him. Trying to redress the wrongs of his homeland, he has dedicated his life to humanitarian work - even forming the German American Culture Society - working for decades to show the world that what we share as humans is far more important than what separates us from one another.

    Told with openness, candor, humor, heart, and occasional raw vulnerability, I'll Be Damned reveals a man committed to making the world a better, more loving place. I'll Be Damned will be a treasured keepsake for Y&R fans and is an inspiring testament to the goodness within us all.

    ©2017 Eric Braeden (P)2017 HarperCollins Publishers

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