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De : Maya Thoresen
Lu par : Lynnda Nelson
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Do you ever have those days when life feels a little bleak and meaningless?

Have you ever wondered whether you want to continue doing what you’re doing for the rest of your life?

Where do you see yourself in your golden years… and will they really be “golden?”

Ikigai is a long-held Japanese philosophy that combines the art of enjoying life to its fullest and the science of living longer. Considered by many to be “the art of staying busy” or “the joy of having purpose,” this broad concept has been credited with helping people live longer, fuller lives.

In Ikigai and the Art of Keeping Your Dreams Alive, Maya Thoresen explores the concept of ikigai and how you can apply it to your life. With a series of easy-to-follow exercises, Thoresen invites listeners of all ages to consider how they can not only extend their lives but enjoy them more fully as well.

If you have ever wondered:

  • What is the meaning of my life?
  • What can I do to enjoy my life more?
  • What does it take to live life to the fullest?

then you might want to start answering those questions today with the exercises provided in Ikigai and the Art of Keeping Your Dreams Alive by Maya Thoresen.

Not only will you learn what Ikigai is and the concepts it includes, but you’ll have the opportunity to reflect and apply them. The guided exercises in each chapter will help you focus on what’s important to you, and help you gain clarity and insight into your own reason for living.

In this fast-paced world, where mental health and physical well-being are challenged by burnout, information overload, and everyday busyness, Ikigai and the Art of Keeping Your Dreams Alive is a welcome oasis where listeners can learn more about themselves and the life they hope to lead.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

©2024 Maya Thoresen (P)2024 Maya Thoresen
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