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  • Ignite Your Impact

  • The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Using Facebook Ads to Build an Audience of True Believers, Make Millions of Dollars, and Spread Their Message like Wildfire
  • De : Emily Hirsh
  • Lu par : Emily Hirsh
  • Durée : 2 h et 24 min

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Ignite Your Impact

De : Emily Hirsh
Lu par : Emily Hirsh
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    Trying to use Facebook Ads to hit seven figures with your business? Ready to stop playing small with your marketing? Ready to get your brand in front of millions of people while maintaining your authenticity?

    Master the most effective and cost-efficient way to market and sell to your ideal customer using strategies that have been tested with over $18M in ad spend and $100M in generated revenue. Emily is the CEO and founder of Hirsh Marketing, a digital marketing company that supports game-changing entrepreneurs with their marketing using the tried and true Hirsh Process.

    In this audiobook, she will teach you to:

    • Answer critical questions before you spend a penny on ads
    • Build a following that doesn’t just represent a number but actually brings sales to your business
    • Master your customer journey and lead generation strategies
    • Become a retargeting ninja and double your profit with specific sales ads
    • Track and optimize your results so you can scale your revenue

    Buy the audiobook today so you can reach more people and make more money than you ever have before!

    ©2020 Emily Hirsh (P)2020 Emily Hirsh

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