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  • Ignite. Engage. Retain.

  • Ignite Your Workforce, Engage Your Team, and Retain Your Talent
  • De : George C Murray
  • Lu par : Anthony Perkins
  • Durée : 4 h et 13 min

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Ignite. Engage. Retain.

De : George C Murray
Lu par : Anthony Perkins
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    Award-winning author George Murray asks leaders and business owners…if your company is struggling to find new employees, you are not alone. If you find new people, but they soon leave, usually for more money, you are not alone. If you are working hard to engage those who have worked for you for a while—-or are brand new—-this book has answers how to help so you are successful. It's all related to the company's culture in how you Ignite. Engage. and Retain. with both long-term and new employees. Make those people feel important and needed—like they count and are appreciated every day, because if you don't, they might leave. Make your company a place "where you'd like to work" at all levels with Ignite. Engage. Retain.

    ©2022 George C Murray (P)2022 George C Murray


    “Three simple words–Ignite, Engage, Retain–define the leadership qualities that are so important for managers in today’s rapidly changing work environment. With advice from some of the best in the business, George Murray offers leaders in every field a blueprint for hiring that will ensure success for employees and organizations alike.” (Harvey Mackay, author of the New York Times number one best seller Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive)

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