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  • If You Build a Spaceport, They Will Come

  • Puerto Rico's Prosperity in Space
  • De : F. Newton Aaron
  • Lu par : Luke Oldham
  • Durée : 4 h et 18 min

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If You Build a Spaceport, They Will Come

De : F. Newton Aaron
Lu par : Luke Oldham
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    In 2023, Puerto Rico is still reeling from its economic woes, but it is in a sweet spot for launching satellites into orbit. Will the growing demand for rocket launches open a new door to prosperity for the territory as it begins to create a spaceport? Using curiosity and a dash of whimsy, this book explores the concept of Puerto Rico as a hub for the space applications market and its implications for the economy and the residents of the island.

    Among the topics it details with concisely for the nonprofessional are:

    • Potential for a commercial spaceport to transform the island's economy
    • Space Applications market and academic research potential for a commercial spaceport
    • Overview of the different types of Earth orbits and their potential for commercial uses
    • Historical overview of aerospace in Puerto Rico
    • Advantages of Puerto Rico for space industry
    • Potential ancillary services and businesses a commercial spaceport could create
    • An overview of spaceport design and development
    • Launch vehicle basics and launch services
    • Political and financial challenges for developing a commercial spaceport
    • Sensible timeline for developing a commercial spaceport in Puerto Rico

    F. Newton Aaron is a fresh new voice in the commentary of science, technology, finance, and public policy.

    About the author:

    Introducing F. Newton Aaron, the debut author poised to make a splash in the world of nonfiction writing.

    With a deep interest in science, technology, aerospace, finance, business, and politics, Aaron is a multifaceted writer who brings a wealth of knowledge to the page.

    Aaron's passion for space exploration is evident in this book, as he takes listeners on a journey through the history of aerospace in Puerto Rico and the exciting possibilities for the future. He also shares insights into the financial and business aspects of the industry with a well-rounded view of this exciting field.

    In the realm of finance, Aaron's expertise shines as he breaks down complex concepts such as the stock market, cryptocurrency, and economics. His business world insights are equally valuable, as he draws from his own experiences as an investor and entrepreneur to offer a unique perspective.

    Aaron's exploration of politics is timely and thought-provoking, as he analyzes the key issues facing our society and the ways in which they intersect with science, technology, and business. Whether discussing climate change, social justice, or international relations, Aaron offers a fresh perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing us in the 21st century.

    In his upcoming books, Aaron delves into the complex world of technology, exploring the latest advancements and their impact on society. From artificial intelligence to blockchain to quantum computing, Aaron explains these cutting-edge technologies in a way that is accessible to readers of all backgrounds.

    With his wide-ranging expertise and engaging writing style, F. Newton Aaron is a debut author to watch. This book promises to be an essential addition to the library of anyone interested in science, technology, aerospace, finance, business, and politics.

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    ©2023 La Boca Productions (P)2023 La Boca Productions

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