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Couverture de If These Ovaries Could Talk

If These Ovaries Could Talk

De : Jaimie Kelton, Robin Hopkins
Lu par : Jaimie Kelton, Robin Hopkins
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    Jaimie Kelton and Robin Hopkins, the creators and hosts of the popular podcast If These Ovaries Could Talk, realized the world needed to know there was more than one way to make an LGBTQ family. Each of their families came about in different ways, so how many other stories were out there?

    Turns out, lots. Inspired, the two friends launched their podcast asking LGTBQ families every question imaginable about their journeys to parenthood. Now the two hosts have written an audiobook based on dozens of interviews to help address recurring questions that came up during their podcast. Is it important to have a child with your genetics? How does one pick a sperm donor? How will you talk to your children about where they came from? And just how does one pay for a baby because rumor has it, it costs a lot?

    With insights and stories from guests such as StaceyAnn Chin, Judy Gold, and State Senator Zach Wahls, Jaimie and Robin go humorously in-depth and guide you on a journey that is equal parts funny, serious, happy, sad, celebratory, cautionary, and powerful. You can listen to this audiobook front to back or skip around like your very own LGBTQ choose-your-own-baby-adventure audiobook. You’ll learn a lot and laugh even more along the way! Who knew making a baby could be this much fun?

    ©2020 Lit Riot Press (P)2020 If These Ovaries Could Talk LLC


    "Robin and Jaimie have put together a masterpiece. It’s funny. It’s informative. It’s brutally honest." (Comedian and Actor, Judy Gold) 

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