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Couverture de If Paul Wrote to Today's Church

If Paul Wrote to Today's Church

De : Dr. Larry Dwayne Ponder
Lu par : Gil Bahnsen
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    This book could have been titled Christianity and Politics, but the premise was looking at contemporary politics through a Christian Pauline lens. What if the apostle Paul were living in America today? If he wrote to today’s churches, what would he say?

    If Paul Wrote to Today’s Church looks at worldly flaws that have infiltrated the church of today and imagines what someone like Paul would say if given the opportunity. I have become unhappy with the politics of American society. I have become even more unhappy with the words and actions that I see from those who claim to be Christians.

    As I wrote what I think should be said, perhaps in a way Paul might, I purposely did not name any politician or public figure. I purposely avoided naming any political party. I wanted this work to live beyond what is happening right at this moment. This book is about how to live as a Christian in a political environment.

    How do we follow the leadership of Christ and his message to us and participate in American politics? Here are my thoughts on Christianity and politics.

    ©2019 Dr. Larry Dwayne Ponder (P)2020 Dr. Larry Dwayne Ponder

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