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Couverture de If Only

If Only

De : Jill Mansell
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    Nick is the most attractive man Nella has met in a while. It's not just his 9* good looks (no one gets a 10!), but also that infectious smile. And he's definitely noticed her. But with their homes so far apart, it's one of those delightful flirty moments you enjoy and forget.

    Then Nella loses her job. There's a perfect new role on offer at a luxury Cotswolds holiday retreat. The catch is that her boss would be Nick. The good news: she'd be seeing him again. The bad news? Nella never mixes work with pleasure; she knows exactly how wrong that can go. Nick is the one man she can't risk falling in love with.

    While Nella struggles with an attraction that won't go away, a Hollywood star has found her perfect escape at the retreat. Lizzie's sworn off people - especially men. But the warmth of her new neighbours entices her out of her shell. Even though one grumpy local - Matthew - seems in no hurry to join her fan club. Could Lizzie ever make a connection with someone so disapproving of her? A secret revealed will change everything . . .

    The scene is set for a fabulous new novel full of friendship, warmth and romance from bestselling author Jill Mansell.

    ©2025 Jill Mansell (P)2025 Headline Publishing Group Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    'The queen of the feelgood romcom' (Good Housekeeping)

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