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Couverture de Icing It

Icing It

De : Emma Foxx
Lu par : Alexander Cendese, Stefanie Kay
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    Sex is a fantastic stress reliever.

    Or so I'm told by the two hot guys who offer to help me get over some of my work-induced anxiety by getting under both of them. I say yes—for one night—and proceed to have my world rocked—for three days.

    I can not afford that kind of distraction. As fun as it was, I have a business to run, a loan to pay off, and a life to live that does not include any extra commitments or responsibilities. Especially not a golden retriever hockey player and a bossy billionaire who are in love with each other and want to make me the third in their long-term plans.

    And let's not even talk about the third guy who wants to date me. He's my brother's coach and twelve years older than me. He's also a single dad to a pretty great teenage son, and his competence and gentlemanly behavior are really hard to resist. Of course, there's also the not-so-gentlemanly things he says and does behind bedroom doors…

    Then they all go and fall in love with me, even though one of them is definitely not interested in making this a full-time foursome.

    And the icing on top? I've fallen for them, too. All of them.

    How can I possibly choose? Worse, how can I possibly walk away?

    Icing It is a steamy, fun, why-choose rom-com with no cheating and a guaranteed HEA! Narrated in duet style.

    ©2024 Emma Foxx (P)2024 Podium Audio

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