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Couverture de I, the Dragon

I, the Dragon

De : Richard Power
Lu par : Richard Power
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    I could have written a book about my path of healing from the severe physical and sexual abuse I endured in childhood. I could have written a book about my professional life in intelligence and security, and what it taught me about what goes on in the shadows of power (state and corporate). I could have written a book about my lifelong journey into mysticism, yoga, shamanism and the occult, and articulated the powerful realizations I have stumbled into along the way. I could have written a book about my life as a writer and a poet, and offered a compelling narrative of the agonies and ecstasies of the artist’s life, and the grim, heroic struggle to keep the creative process alive and free in the depraved conditions of the modern age (industrial and post-industrial). But I have chosen instead to write one memoir woven out of all four of these narrative threads. Nothing less would deliver the truth.

    ©2018 Richard G Power (P)2023 Richard G Power

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