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I Woke Up Without an Ed

De : Don Harpell
Lu par : Steven Osarczuk
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For anyone who has experienced, or is experiencing loss, this book is a warm, wonderful, and imaginatively simple story that can be appreciated by all ages.

As told through the eyes of a boy, the story explores the boy's experience with a loss and how he travels through memories with hope to a place of being okay. Dave Dodson has brought depth, warmth, and feeling to draw the listener into the journey that the young boy takes.

I Woke Up Without an Ed was written to address death, loss, bereavement, grief, and healing in a sensitive way, with the hope it will help people, and especially children, navigate from a difficult path of loss to a place of healing. A solid addition to libraries, the book can be an aid for families, teachers and educators, counselors, and others.

©2022 Donald Harpell (P)2022 Donald Harpell
  • Version intégrale Livre audio
  • Catégories : Jeunesse
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