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  • I Want to Talk to You

  • And Other Conversations
  • De : Diana Evans
  • Durée : Indisponible

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I Want to Talk to You

De : Diana Evans
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    I am sitting in bed next to Mariah Carey. She’s wearing a pair of tiny boxer shorts and a belly-airing vest. "You can lie down if you want", she says. "I mean it’s fine, be comfortable," so I lean further back into the pillows, feigning being comfortable.

    As a young intern at Pride magazine, Diana Evans was catapulted into the role of culture editor, and so began her career as a journalist, writing about musicians, dancers and artists, interviewing the likes of Viola Davis, Alice Walker and Edward Enninful.

    In these portraits of contemporary icons, the author herself remains distant – always the observer. Alongside them, in essays and pieces collected here for the first time, we see her turning the lens to the personal. We watch as she dances across stages in London and travels through Cuba. We sit beside her desk as she develops her voice as a writer, shaped by her love for Jean Rhys, James Baldwin and Toni Morrison. We walk by her side as she captures herself in the world – her family and the midlife sandwich, reflections on fashion, yoga, the British monarchy and lockdowns, and the lasting impact of George Floyd and Grenfell.

    Crafted over twenty-five years, with the intelligence and sensitivity that Diana Evans is known for, I Want to Talk to You invites you into a conversation about literature, art, identity, and everything in between.

    ©2025 Diana Evans (P)2025 Penguin Audio

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