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Couverture de I Must Win This Battle [Expanded Edition]

I Must Win This Battle [Expanded Edition]

De : Timothy Atunnise
Lu par : Elizabeth Chicoine
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    What battle of life are you fighting? Spiritual warfare? Financial? Your Marriage? Children? Whatever it may be. I must win this battle is a prayer and deliverance book that will transform your life and bring the genuine manifestation of God’s power like you’ve never seen before.

    I must win this battle provides a way out for all those suffering under satanic harassment, oppression and bondage. It is full of scriptures and life-changing prayer points. This handbook is design to give hands-on training on spiritual warfare. It shows you how to take the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) and wield it powerfully in prayer and overcome stubborn situations of life.

    I must win this battle is designed by the Holy Spirit to address special needs, problems and situations. It will help and guide you in prayer as you decide to seek the face of God concerning your situations or problems. If you are tired of what life has to offer or what the enemy is doing with your life; it is time to confront your situation with the power of well-arranged and well-designed prayers to meet your needs and transform your life. It's a must have Personal Deliverance prayer book that will transform and bring restoration into every area of your life.

    ©2018 Timothy Atunnnise (P)2023 Timothy Atunnise

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