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Couverture de I Love You, I Love You, I Love You

I Love You, I Love You, I Love You

De : Laura Dockrill
Lu par : Laura Dockrill
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    It's the year 2000. I'm fourteen. I'm trying really hard to be a grunger right now. There were rumours the world was going to end. It hasn't as of yet but I still have reasons to believe that was true.

    ‘I loved it, I loved it, I loved it!’ Dawn O’Porter

    'Very funny. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You bursts with energy.' Matt Haig

    ‘A spectacular, funny portrayal of being young and in love.’ Woman & Home

    'A brilliant, nostalgic read.' Closer

    'An ode to the bittersweet feeling of first love.' Woman's Own

    Ella and Lowe are teenagers when they first meet in summer 2000. For her, it’s love at first sight. But it’s safest to love from afar, where the friendship zone is her safety net and she can’t get hurt.

    Certain that the most beautiful boy she's ever seen couldn't possibly feel the same, Ella counts herself lucky to have him as her best friend. Over the next fifteen years they share everything: bottles of cider and cigarettes in the rain, gossip and laughter, grief and fear.

    But every time Lowe kisses another girl, Ella feels her heart break just that little bit more. She'll have to choose whether it's enough to be just friends with the love of her life, or if she's prepared to let the terrifying, beautiful, all-consuming truth come to light.

    From a unique new voice in adult fiction, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You is a glorious nostalgia trip for anyone who has ever known the exquisite pain and pleasure of first love.

    ‘So visceral, nostalgic, mucky, heartbreaking and bittersweet. Just DELICIOUS.' Kirsty Capes

    'A transporting, technicolour plunge into first, and enduring, love.' Sophie Dahl

    'Glorious and tender, evocative and heart nourishing.' Salena Godden

    ©2024 Laura Dockrill (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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