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Couverture de I Liked My Life

I Liked My Life

De : Abby Fabiaschi
Lu par : Susan Bennett, Dan Bittner, Thérèse Plummer
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    Maddy is a devoted stay-at-home wife and mother, host of excellent parties, giver of thoughtful gifts, and bestower of a searingly perceptive piece of advice or two. She is the cornerstone of her family, a true matriarch...until she commits suicide, leaving her husband, Brady, and teenage daughter, Eve, heartbroken and reeling, wondering what happened. How could the exuberant, exacting woman they loved disappear so abruptly, seemingly without reason, from their lives? How they can possibly continue without her? As they sift through details of her last days, trying to understand the woman they thought they knew, Brady and Eve are forced to come to terms with unsettling truths.

    Maddy, however, isn't ready to leave her family forever. Watching from beyond, she tries to find the perfect replacement for herself. Along comes Rory: pretty, caring, and spontaneous, with just the right bit of edge...but who also harbors a tragedy of her own. Will the mystery of Maddy ever come to rest? And can her family make peace with their history and begin to heal?

    ©2016 Abagail Katherine Wittnebert (P)2016 Macmillan Audio


    "Warm and hopeful, this marvelous debut stands next to novels from Catherine McKenzie and Carolyn Parkhurst." ( Booklist)
    "Listeners won't want to miss this surprisingly positive yet truthful novel.... Susan Bennett's soft, gentle voice is perfect for Maddy's sections, and her self-assured narration highlights the character's practicality as she questions her circumstances and tries to make things right with the family members she left behind. Therese Plummer's youthful pitch and varied tone, from trembly to sassy, believably project Eve's roller-coaster emotions and changing perspective on how to live a full life. Dan Bittner's performance teases out Brady's guilt, anger, and insecurities as he reviews his married life and attempts to create a new future. All three performances are strong, creating a seamless listening experience." ( AudioFile)

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