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  • I Laugh in the Face of Danger

  • And Other Life Lessons that Should Have Taught Me Better
  • De : Nikki Green
  • Lu par : Nikki Green
  • Durée : 4 h et 56 min

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I Laugh in the Face of Danger

De : Nikki Green
Lu par : Nikki Green
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    A tell-all memoir of overcoming adversity, I Laugh in the Face of Danger bravely reveals the rampant racism and misogyny that pervades Silicon Valley.

    My imperfections are what have given me the strength to be who I am. But some are so powerful they are also what has held me back. The secret is finding the nurture and cherish those unique traits that empower you. To evolve and mold those things that made you struggle. You must keep them from dulling the sparkle of your uniqueness.

    Throughout my journey, many who claimed to be my mentors pressured me to conform and pretend my uniqueness did not exist. That inauthentic way of life left me empty and wanting for something better, something true. In 2020, I left a lucrative tech job to start my own business and compel the next generation of leaders to find strength in their uniqueness.

    This audiobook is the plot of my life...painstakingly crafted to show how I survived each of these outrageous situations, to grow, learn, and hopefully to heal. I hope they can inspire others that these challenges should not unravel you. Our stories are our foundation. Your foundation has made you unique. I want to empower you to see that uniqueness as a strength, not a point of weakness.

    ©2021 Brandi Nichole Benavidez (P)2021 Brandi Nichole Benavidez

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