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  • I Know What I'm Doing - and Other Lies I Tell Myself

  • Dispatches from a Life Under Construction
  • De : Jen Kirkman
  • Lu par : Jen Kirkman
  • Durée : 7 h et 30 min

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I Know What I'm Doing - and Other Lies I Tell Myself

De : Jen Kirkman
Lu par : Jen Kirkman
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    New York Times best-selling author and stand-up comedian Jen Kirkman delivers a hilarious, candid memoir about marriage, divorce, sex, turning 40, and still not quite having life figured out.

    Jen Kirkman wants to be the voice in your head that says, "Hey, you're okay. Even if you sometimes think you aren't! And especially if other people try to tell you you're not." In I Know What I'm Doing - and Other Lies I Tell Myself, Jen offers up all the gory details of a life permanently in progress. She reassures you that it's okay to not have life completely figured out, even when you reach middle age (and find your first gray pubic hair!). She talks about making unusual or unpopular life decisions (such as cultivating a "friend with benefits" or not going home for the holidays) because you don't necessarily want for yourself what everyone else seems to think you should. It's about renting when everyone says you should own, dating around when everyone thinks you should settle down, and traveling alone when everyone pities you for going to Paris without a man.

    From marriage to divorce and sex to mental health, I Know What I'm Doing - and Other Lies I Tell Myself is about embracing the fact that life is a bit of a sh*t show, and it's definitely more than okay to stay true to yourself.

    ©2016 Jen Kirkman (P)2016 Simon & Schuster Audio


    "Standup comedian Jen Kirkman shares stories about her life in a blunt, highly amusing way. She adds intention and purpose to each account of her love life and career with a pleasing, enthusiastic tone. Her sprinkles of sarcasm are delivered with a natural charm that is reminiscent of her standup persona.... The highlight of Kirkman's narration is her hilarious sendups of her mother's loud voice and Waspy accent as she depicts their quirky relationship." ( AudioFile)

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