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Couverture de I Hike Again

I Hike Again

De : Lawton Grinter
Lu par : Lawton Grinter
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    Back again with even more "mostly true" tales from the trail, Lawton Grinter's new book I Hike Again is sure to find a place in every adventurer's library! I Hike Again imparts hard-earned wisdom from trails both in the United States (Arizona Trail, Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, Grand Enchantment Trail, Wind River High Route) and abroad (Spain's GR11 and New Zealand's Te Araroa). 

    I Hike Again takes the listener high above tree line into a day gone bad, inside a cramped hut with a snorer of legendary proportions, along a sneaky escape with a gaggle of 16-year-olds fumbling their way through an Outward Bound course, and once again into some peculiar situations that even seasoned hikers may find hard to believe. 

    The stories in I Hike Again are 25+ years and 15,000+ miles in the making, covering long and short hikes on a multitude of trails around the globe. Anyone who's ever spent a day or many months on a dirt path will appreciate these entertaining and sometimes harrowing accounts of life on the trail. I Hike Again might just make you ditch your day job and head out on the trail...maybe forever!

    ©2019 Lawton Grinter (P)2022 Lawton Grinter

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