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Couverture de I Flipping Love You

I Flipping Love You

De : Helena Hunting
Lu par : Rose Dioro, Jacob Morgan
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    She’s got curb appeal. He’s a fixer upper....

    From New York Times best-selling author Helena Hunting comes a new kind of love story about flipping houses, taking risks, and landing that special someone who’s move-in ready. I Flipping Love You is a sexy, spirited audiobook that will have listeners begging for more!

    Rian Sutter grew up with the finer things in life. Spending summers in the Hamptons was a normal occurrence for her until her parents lost everything years ago. Now Rian and her sister are getting their life, and finances, back on track through real estate. Not only do they buy and sell houses to the rich and famous but they finally have the capital to flip their very own beachfront property. But when she catches the attention of a sexy stranger who snaps up every house from under her, all bets are off....

    Pierce Whitfield doesn’t normally demo kitchens, install dry wall, or tear apart a beautiful woman’s dreams. He’s just a down-on-his-luck lawyer who needed a break from the city and agreed to help his brother work on a few homes in the Hamptons. When he first meets Rian, the attraction is undeniable. But when they start competing for the same pieces of prime real estate, the early sparks turn into full-blown fireworks. Can these passionate rivals turn up the heat on their budding romance - without burning down the house?

    ©2018 Helena Hunting (P)2018 Macmillan Audio

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