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Couverture de I Don't Care If You Like Me, I Like Me

I Don't Care If You Like Me, I Like Me

De : Bernie Mac, Rhonda McCullough
Lu par : Reggie Reg, Rhonda R. McCullough
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    Listen up y’all. Bernie Mac is back, and this here is his daily prescription for a better life and career. You wanna be successful, don’t ya? All you gotta do is listen to a little bit a day. So come on, let’s start your edumacation right now.

    Are y’all ready to get yourself together? It’s time for you to start livin’ your best life. You think you can handle that? Sure you can. You can do anything you wanna do, but you never gonna hit a home run if you ain’t steppin’ up to the plate.

    You got yourself a dream? You got a vision? There ain’t no sugarcoatin’ it. The only one who’s gonna make it happen is you, but this book is gonna help. It’s alright—we all need a little help once in a while.

    I Don’t Care if You Like Me, I Like Me is 365 days of Bernie Mac tellin’ it like it T-I-Iz. You gonna be gettin’ some of his best advice, his personal stories showin’ y’all that what he’s tellin’ you works, and some commentary from Rhonda ’cuz that woman knows what's up.

    We’re talkin’ about bein’ your best self, gettin’ better in your relationships, findin’ your place in the world, and openin’ up that door to plentitude. So, the choice is yours. Are you ready to be the best sumbitch you can be? You wanna be happy and successful? You got somethin’ more important goings on right now? Quit procrasternatin’ and do it.

    “Bernie Mac had a way of telling it straight that made you listen and made you think. He was genuine, always positive, and truly cared if you were okay. I Don’t Care if You Like Me, I Like Me is an undeniably funny and poignant strategy for reaching your fullest potential one day at a time.” (Courtney B. Vance, multi-award-winning actor of stage and screen)

    “I’ve never seen anything like I Don’t Care if You Like Me, I Like Me. This book is self-help, Chicago-style. It’s the perfect combination of comedy and truth, just like you’d expect from Bernie Mac.” (Sherri Shepherd, award-winning actress, comedian, and talk-show host)

    ©2022 Bernie Mac (P)2022 Recorded Books

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