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  • I Cracked the Autism Code

  • What We Didn't Know About Autism and ADHD That Changes Everything
  • De : Roma Swanepoel
  • Lu par : Nada Altaher
  • Durée : 2 h et 39 min

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I Cracked the Autism Code

De : Roma Swanepoel
Lu par : Nada Altaher
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    Autism explained like you’ve never heard it before.

    We know what the manifested behavior of autism is, but do we understand the reason behind the behavior? Up until now, we didn’t, and we wouldn’t have because who could bridge the gap between the neurotypical and the neurodivergent brain? It would have taken a neurotypical to become neurodivergent or a neurodivergent to become neurotypical.

    I am a brave soul on the spectrum who made it my mission to crack the neurotypical brain code. Despite grappling with social anxiety, my unwavering determination to comprehend the abilities of neurotypical individuals led me to the right questions, revealing an answer that blew me away. Once I understood what it is that the neurotypical brain can do, I then understood what my brain couldn’t. I could then accurately find ways to better adjust myself in the neurotypical world I am living in.

    In this book, I share with you my eureka of the single factor that explains all my autistic-related behavior. I demonstrate how the understanding of it completely changed how I do things and interact with others. I also share with you the mystery of ADHD.

    I believe that my discoveries will change the entire approach toward people with autism and ADHD.

    I have seen people’s lives change dramatically as a result of my insight.

    I am excited to see more lives changed for the better!

    ©2024 Roma Swanepoel (P)2024 Roma Swanepoel

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