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Couverture de I Can’t Breathe

I Can’t Breathe

De : David Horowitz
Lu par : John McLean
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    “I can’t breathe.”

    These three words rocked the nation in the spring of 2020. The historic eruption of lawlessness and violence that followed George Floyd’s death opened new fault lines in the nation’s cultural and political landscape, threatening a radical reshaping of American society.

    In I Can’t Breathe, the relentlessly penetrating David Horowitz exposes the biggest hoax of the 21st century. Despite its claim to be an “inclusive and spacious movement”, Black Lives Matter divides Americans by race, class, and party in pursuit of a radical agenda that would impoverish and degrade everyone.

    Relying on groundbreaking research and dozens of internal documents, Horowitz reveals:

    • Why Black lives don’t matter to the leaders of Black Lives Matter
    • How, in just seven years, BLM became one of the most powerful cultural forces in America
    • Why BLM is not a civil rights organization
    • Why BLM leaders won’t be satisfied until the West has been dismantled and “reimagined”

    The goals of Black Lives Matter are a far cry from those of the civil rights movement of 60 years ago, warns Horowitz. I Can’t Breathe uncovers the truth about BLM and provides solutions that will actually strengthen Black communities and guarantee the freedom of all citizens.

    ©2021 David Horowitz (P)2021 Blackstone Publishing

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