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Couverture de I Can Sleep When the Wind Blows

I Can Sleep When the Wind Blows

De : Heather Lyn Davis
Lu par : Mark Williams
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    Jim can sleep when the wind blows, but what does that mean?

    I Can Sleep When the Wind Blows is a retelling of the classic story of Jim, a boy who applies to work on a farm. His only qualification is that he can sleep when the wind blows. The farmer doesn't understand what he means, but he hires him. When a terrible storm comes in the night, the farmer learns the value of this unusual skill.

    This delightful story helps young children understand how to: create a plan to deal with potentially stressful situations, feel more in control and prepared when difficult times come, and believe in themselves and their ability to feel peace even when hard things are happening around them.

    Visit my website at for free worksheets, coloring pages, and lesson plans to go with this book.

    ©2016 Heather Davis (P)2022 Heather Davis
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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