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Couverture de I Am the Ghost in Your House

I Am the Ghost in Your House

De : Maria Romasco-Moore
Lu par : Emma Galvin
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    From the author of Some Kind of Animal comes a wildly unique story about an invisible girl struggling to see herself in a world obsessed with appearances.

    Pie is the ghost in your house.

    She is not dead, she is invisible.

    The way she looks changes depending on what is behind her. A girl of glass. A girl who is a window. If she stands in front of floral wallpaper she is full of roses.

    For Pie’s entire life, it’s been Pie and her mother. Just the two of them, traveling across America. They have slept in trains, in mattress stores, and on the bare ground. They have probably slept in your house.

    But Pie is lonely. And now, at 17, her mother’s given her a gift. The choice of the next city they will go to. And Pie knows exactly where she wants to go. Pittsburgh - where she fell in love with a girl who she plans to find once again. And this time she will reveal herself.

    Only how can anyone love an invisible girl?

    A magnificent story of love, and friendship, and learning to see yourself in a world based on appearances, I Am the Ghost in Your House is a brilliant reflection on the importance of how much more there is to our world than what meets the eye.

    ©2022 Maria Romasco-Moore (P)2022 Listening Library


    ...A provocative, compassionate examination of how we beg to be seen for who we truly are and yet too often see ourselves according to everyone else’s viewpoint." --The Bulletin

    "Compelling...Teens will relate to Pie’s deep sense of relief at being seen and loved, as she truly is." --Booklist

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