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  • I Am a Sikh

  • Warrior of Justice and Equality
  • De : Dr. Gul
  • Lu par : Cathi Colas
  • Durée : 3 h et 37 min

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Couverture de I Am a Sikh

I Am a Sikh

De : Dr. Gul
Lu par : Cathi Colas
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    Embark on an Inspiring Journey Through Sikh History: From Mughal Tyranny to a Beacon of Freedom and Strength

    In an era dominated by powerful empires and religious turmoil, a beacon of hope emerged: Guru Nanak and the dawn of Sikhism. Dr. Gul's I Am a Sikh is more than a historical narrative—it's an enlightening journey into the heart of Sikhism and its undying spirit.

    At a time when the mighty Mughal Dynasty loomed large, oppressing and forcibly converting the vulnerable populace of India, Guru Nanak's message was revolutionary. With courage and unwavering faith, he ignited a movement rooted in spirituality, pride, and justice. This isn’t just history—it’s a story of rebellion, resilience, and spiritual awakening.

    Through I Am a Sikh, listeners are invited to traverse two enthralling centuries filled with sacrifice, bravery, and unwavering commitment. Delve deep into the lives and sacrifices of the ten Sikh Gurus, each of whom contributed to shaping this resilient faith and its followers. Discover how this unique blend of spiritual discipline and martial skill not only challenged a formidable empire but also laid the foundations for India's cherished religious diversity.

    Written with precision and passion, Dr. Gul provides keen insights into Sikhism’s foundational principles, interweaving tales of heroism and sacrifice with the essence of its teachings. This is a story that resonates with messages of courage, humanity, and gratitude—a tale that is not only inspirational but also deeply relevant in today's world.

    Whether you're seeking spiritual wisdom, a historical voyage, or simply an enthralling story, I Am a Sikh promises to be a masterpiece that enlightens, empowers, and inspires. Step into a world where faith overcomes oppression and where principles pave the path to freedom.

    ©2024 Dr. Gul (P)2024 Dr. Gul

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