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Couverture de I Am: Here

I Am: Here

De : Claudia Beasley, Michael Beasley, Abigail Williams, Benjamin Williams
Lu par : Candace Berry
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    This is a book about my faith journey from a young adult to my senior years. Being a survivor of COVID, I knew the LORD still had a purpose for my life. I listened to the voice in my heart and knew I needed to write this book as an encouragement to others. Events happen in life that can cause us to see ourselves as victims or survivors. I choose using my Faith "hat" to be a survivor; an overcomer in all things. You will hear about my 60-day hospital stay and 4-month home health journey and how my identified "hats" brought me through it all. My COVID survival is a miracle from GOD. Identify your "hats" so the road in front of you can be paved; and a way made for you by HIM. May you always be an overcomer. After 40 years of teaching, I started living my retired life in the country home that my husband and I designed together. My faith journey spans several decades and I have worn many "hats" during my life. I have tied them securely and held them in place with my Faith "hat" to face many a trial and tribulation both emotionally and physically. I have experienced divorce 3 times, miscarriage twice, sexual assault, as well as having 2 beautiful children, enjoying relationships with siblings, experiencing grandchildren, and finally a soulmate and loving husband. I have learned to listen to the small voice in my heart and follow the LORD's leading. I am a modern day walking talking miracle.

    ©2022 Claudia Beasley (P)2024 Claudia Beasley

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