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Couverture de Hunting the Caliphate

Hunting the Caliphate

De : Dana J.H. Pittard, Wes J. Bryant, General David Petraeus - Foreword by
Lu par : Mike Chamberlain, Shawn Compton
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    In this vivid first-person narrative, a Special Operations Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) and his commanding general give fascinating and detailed accounts of America's fight against one of the most barbaric insurgencies the world has ever seen.  

    In the summer of 2014, three years after America's full troop withdrawal from the Iraq War, President Barack Obama authorized a small task force to push back into Baghdad. Their mission: protect the Iraqi capital and US embassy from a rapidly emerging terrorist threat.   

    A plague of brutality, that would come to be known as ISIS, had created a foothold in northwest Iraq and northeast Syria. It had declared itself a Caliphate - an independent nation-state administered by an extreme and cruel form of Islamic law - and was spreading like a newly evolved virus. Soon, a massive and devastating US military response had unfolded.  

    Hear the ground truth on the senior military and political interactions that shaped America's war against ISIS, a war unprecedented in both its methodology and its application of modern military technology.

    ©2019 Dana J. H. Pittard and Wes J. Bryant (P)2019 Tantor
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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