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  • Hummingbird

  • One Night, One Mission, Unforeseen Consequences
  • De : Odian Levy
  • Lu par : Ella Quence
  • Durée : 7 h et 21 min

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De : Odian Levy
Lu par : Ella Quence
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    Introducing the Thrilling New Novel: "Hummingbird"

    Unlock the secrets of the mind with Psycorp's cutting-edge military program, Hummingbird. Experience the intensity of unstoppable bloodlust in combat. Dive into the world of Kym Fenton, a fearless CIA operative on a mission to bring down a human trafficking capo. But when Psycorp's plans are stolen and threatened to be sold on the black market, Kym must abandon her mission and race against time to prevent the catastrophic consequences of Hummingbird falling into the wrong hands.

    Join Kym on a pulse-pounding adventure as she's captured, drugged, and wakes up with her memory erased, only to be rescued by the enigmatic Dr. Jesse Larson, the creator of Hummingbird himself. Unravel the twisted conspiracy as Kym becomes the ultimate hitwoman for one adrenaline-fueled night, eliminating the masterminds behind Psycorp to save her country.

    Feel the heart-pounding thrill as Kym dispatches her targets with deadly precision, embarks on a high-stakes detour to destroy Psycorp's work, and confronts the shocking truth behind Dr. Larson's true intentions. Can Kym trust anyone in this dangerous game of deception?

    Experience the explosive climax as Kym confronts her betrayer in a desperate race against time and poison coursing through her veins. Will she be able to get the answers she seeks before it's too late, or will her life end in the ultimate act of sacrifice?

    Don't miss out on this electrifying pulse-pounder, "Hummingbird." Buckle up for a rollercoaster ride of action, intrigue, and edge-of-your-seat suspense that will leave you breathless and begging for more. Grab your copy now and embark on a thrilling journey that will haunt you long after the last word.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 PublishDrive (P)2024 PublishDrive

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