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  • Humanity's Cry for Change: Actions You Can Take to Create a New Earth

  • De : Kate Heartsong
  • Lu par : Linda Furman
  • Durée : 5 h et 31 min

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Humanity's Cry for Change: Actions You Can Take to Create a New Earth

De : Kate Heartsong
Lu par : Linda Furman
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    How can we create a new earth, a new era, for humanity, ourselves, and our loved ones?

    The answer is eloquently provided in Humanity’s Cry for Change - Actions You Can Take to Create a New Earth. This uplifting book helps you create a happier life by offering key concepts to live by and assists you in dealing these challenging times by answering questions such as:

    What gives me happiness?

    What gives me peace?

    How can I navigate these challenging times?

    What is oneness?

    How can one person make a difference?

    We wonder what’s going on with the planet, how to have positive change, and will bringing in the new earth be possible. People are asking: What is anti-racism, what is conscious business, why is the world crazy, how to raise my vibration, what gives me hope, what gives me joy and how do I have confidence?

    These topics are popular now! Why? Because these questions indicate our longing for positive change for ourselves, humanity, and Mother Earth. The old ways are no longer working and we want a shift into a kinder and safer world.

    Making changes on the planet, in our communities, and for ourselves, will help us enjoy life and have fun, discover how to feel calm, get relief from life’s troubles, treat Mother Earth with consideration, and have respect and kindness for all life.

    This book shares some of the many scientific studies proving we are all interconnected. This demonstrates we do impact others through our thoughts, words, and actions. Living by this oneness concept is vital for humanity to survive and can contribute to creating the new earth.

    Humanity’s Cry for Change also discusses alternative medicine modalities, conscious business practices, activism, and more. There are motivating and effective exercises to help you live a joyful life.

    ©2020 Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong (P)2023 Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong

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