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Human and Alien UFO Anti-Gravity Research

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettington
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Quite a few books have been written about anti-gravity and UFOs. I surveyed the existing literature and determined that a solid collection of real research on anti-gravity and possible alien anti-gravity technology really does not exist in one place.

The US government has also been doing research on this topic for over 70 years.

When I decided to write this book, I collected many disparate sources of anti-gravity research and the contributions of possible alien anti-gravity information.

The stories of anti-gravity usage in flying craft goes back thousands of years to the stories of Vimanas from ancient Indian texts.

Nicola Tesla, the famous inventor of AC current and other things, was involved with anti-gravity, as discussed later in this book.

There are also a number of aeronautical and space ships which have been built possibly using anti-gravity technologies. These crafts are listed and described here, too.

Finding technological methods of defying gravity will have incredible implications for space travel and fascinating improvements in our already high tech civilization.

©2021 Martin K. Ettington (P)2021 Martin K. Ettington
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