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  • Human, Nature

  • A Naturalists Thoughts on Wildlife and Wild Places
  • De : Ian Carter
  • Lu par : Timothy Bond
  • Durée : 4 h et 58 min

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Human, Nature

De : Ian Carter
Lu par : Timothy Bond
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    What does it mean to be a part of - rather than apart from - nature? This book is about how we interact with wildlife, and the ways in which this can make our lives richer and more fulfilling. But it also explores the conflicts and contradictions inevitable in a world that is now so completely dominated by our own species.

    Interest in wildlife and wild places, and their profound effects on human wellbeing, have increased sharply as we face up to the ongoing biodiversity extinction crisis and reassess our priorities following a global pandemic. Ian Carter, lifelong naturalist and a former bird specialist at Natural England, sets out to uncover the intricacies of the relationship between humans and nature. In a direct, down-to-earth style he explains some of the key practical, ethical, and philosophical problems we must navigate as we seek to reconnect with nature.

    This wide-ranging and infectiously personal account does not shy away from controversial subjects - such as how we handle invasive species, reintroductions, culling or dog ownership - and reveals in stark terms that properly addressing our connection to the natural world is an imperative, not a luxury.

    Short, pithy chapters make this book ideal for dipping into. Meanwhile, it builds into a compelling whole as the story moves from considering the wildlife close to home through to conflicts, and, finally, the joy and sense of escape that can be had in the wildest corners of our landscapes, where there is still so much to discover.

    ©2021 Ian Carter (P)2021 Ian Carter

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