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  • Human?

  • A Lie That's Been Killing Us since 1788
  • De : Ziggy Ramo
  • Lu par : Ziggy Ramo
  • Durée : 9 h et 59 min

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De : Ziggy Ramo
Lu par : Ziggy Ramo
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    So-called Australia is built upon a lie: that 97% of the population are human, and the others simply 'Indigenous', devoid of the same basic rights.

    Human? is the story of acclaimed Wik artist Ziggy Ramo's experience growing up under the weight of this lie. We've had 236 years of continued destruction in the name of 'civilised progress', under an oppressive colonial system that punches down on almost everyone. We all deserve more. But to move forward we have to be honest about the past.

    Written on the precipice of becoming a parent, this is Ziggy's offering for the future – an attempt to bridge a nationwide knowledge gap, and start a new conversation. Prerequisite listening for anyone searching for a way forward, together.

    Human? is a book, an album and an exhibition by one of the most exciting voices of this generation. With his powerful debut, Ziggy asks: Would you still fight for human rights if it meant giving up your privilege?

    A groundbreaking, provocative call-to-arms.

    ©2024 Ziggy Ramo, Song lyrics copyright Ziggy Ramo, Image copyright Brydi Fatnowna, (P)2024 Bolinda Publishing


    ‘The invasion of our Indigenous intellects is our ongoing First Nation’s struggle. Ziggy’s words are vital in this struggle.’ (Kev Carmody)
    'A must-read … a provocative and timely “part memoir, part history and part cultural reckoning”, which gives Australia’s dark history a human face.’ (Books + Publishing)

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